Tweak N’ Tune is a Windows based highly useful utility for all. It is developed and freely distributed by Acelogix. Tweak N’ Tune is developed for those users who want to modify Windows settings according to their requirements but don’t know where to find and how to modify all these settings. This utility is also helpful for those users who know that where and how to modify these settings, but want to save time and quickly configure their Windows system. Tweak N’ Tune has three main categories; Windows tweaks, Security tweaks and Software tweaks. In the windows tweaks category you can change the appearance of Icon title and menu alignment. You can control the Control Panel by appearance style display applets and enable or disable any icon of the Control Panel. Tweak N’ Tune also gives you options to control or modify your windows Desktop, Explorer, File System, Hardware, Network, Start Menu, taskbar and systems settings. You can also modify startup and shutdown settings of your Windows. Here you can also control your Internet Explorer, MSN Messenger, Outlook Express, Windows Media Player and registry editor with the Tweak N’ Tune utility.